Saturday, March 3, 2012

Video: Advertiser pulls commercials from Limbaugh show

>>> one of rush limbaugh 's advertisers is no longer willing to be associated with the talk show host . companies have been under fire to full ads after he viciously attacked a georgetown law student. he called sandra fluke a quote, prostitute and a quote, slut on his show. sleep train released this statement. we don't condone negative comments directed towards any group. during his live show today he continued his insults of sandra fluke.

>> the woman comes forth with this, frank li hilarious claim that she's having so much sex and her buddy is with her that she can't afford it. not one person says did you think about maybe backing off the amount of sex that you have. when there is the slightest bit of opposition to this new welfare entitlement being created then we hate women. we want them barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen , all of these other things. that's where we are.

>> joining us now is a reporter for before we play sandra fluke was on with andrea mitchell . i want to respond to what she testified before that panel in congress. that is not what she was discussing. she was talking about a friend who had ovarian cancer and needed contraception to help her with a medical condition .

>> married women use contraception and it doesn't work the way that he thinks it works. it's not the amount of sex you have per pills. if we're talking about the various forms, the most expensive kinds that are very effective and difficult to get covered by insurance. he needs to go back to biology class. we're not paying for her to have sex anymore than we're paying for him to get viagra.

>> right before she went on air, she received a phone call from president obama and limbaugh's response to her conversation. let's play them.

>> he encouraged me and supported me and thanked me for speak speaking out about the concerns of american women and he said to tell my parents they should be proud and that meant a lot because rush limbaugh questioned if my parents would be proud.

>> apparently sandra fluke told obama when he asked her if she's okay, she said obama told her that she should tell her parents they should be proud. i'm going to button my lip on that one. the president tells sandra fluke, 30-year-old sandra fluke, parents should be proud. okay.

>> so, there's a huge campaign online to get advertisers to pull from this show. you have some people who defend rush limbaugh and they say it's entertainme entertainment. this is what he does. how does this play different than other things we have heard in the past?

>> right now the daylight between rush limbaugh and what republicans in the house and the senate are doing is not that different. he's just being more honest about it.

>> john boehner spoke out. what did he say today?

>> he said he thought it was inappropriate to use those words, not getting to the substance but it was inappropriate to raise money on it as if they were the same thing.

>> any chance that republicans in congress are pressuring rush limbaugh to back out or do they have the ability? chris matthews says every night i want to hear one republican come out and blast rush limbaugh . i'll put you on the show. we've not seen that yet.

>> the what john boehner said is blasting, i'd like to see more blasting. right now you have rush limbaugh spewing hate speech about the president, african-americans. it's nice that people are calling him on this because he's gone too far.

>> families have raised one million in a week before the comments rartding sandra fluke. john boehner referred to this fund-raising as a band thing. they are not calling people saying rush limbaugh said this, give us money . i think this is from the passion of women.

>> i totally agree. it's really republicans that have been bringing this to the agenda. democrats made a public health decision. the contraceptive mandate was based on nonpartisan medical experts about what good would be. republicans are talking about sex and friending it's about religious liberty .

>> we'll see what happens next. three hours of rush limbaugh . he did not use the word prostitute or slut, but his insults against sandra fluke were still very vicious. thank you very much. we'll see


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